
AI ART Bright Yellow Daffodils on Stone Wall - A Captivating Display of Nature

by Shadow

Bright Yellow Daffodils on Stone Wall - A Captivating Display of Nature


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A stone wall covered with bright yellow daffodils. The stones are of different sizes and shapes, and the daffodils are growing in the cracks between them. The daffodils are in full bloom, and their petals are a bright yellow color. The leaves of the daffodils are a deep green color, and they are long and slender. The daffodils are growing in a cluster, and they are surrounded by moss. The moss is a bright green color, and it is growing in the cracks between the stones. The daffodils and the moss are both in focus, and the background is blurred. The photo is taken from a low angle, and it is looking up at the daffodils. The photo is well-lit, and the colors are vibrant.

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